PCB axe Salman Butt from selection consultant

Online Desk

Online Desk
প্রকাশের তারিখ: 23:08 শনিবার, 02 ডিসেম্বর, 2023

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The Chief Selector of the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Wahab Riaz has provided clarification regarding Salman Butt's association with the team, dispelling ongoing speculation surrounding his potential appointment.

The appointment of Butt, who was previously involved in a match-fixing scandal, sparked public outrage and drew disapproval from higher circles.

However, Riaz stated that Butt played no role in the team selection process for the upcoming tour of Australia. Contrary to circulating reports, Butt's absence from the decision-making process underscores his non-involvement in the crucial selection proceedings.

Delving deeper into the matter, Riaz confirmed that although Butt's potential appointment had been a subject of consideration, a definitive conclusion had been reached after careful and thorough deliberation.

The ultimate decision, as announced by the chief selector, firmly concluded against appointing Salman Butt as a consultant member. This decisive resolution effectively puts to rest any lingering speculation regarding Butt's prospective role within the PCB.